
A digital visionary

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I have spoken on stages across the corporate spectrum from some of the world’s tech leaders like Amazon Web Services to one of the toughest audiences of all: council leaders! And my work has taken me across the globe from the UK to the US and Australia.

I bring three crucial credentials to speaking engagements:

  • Credibility borne of real experience: I’ve rolled up my sleeves and worked for over a decade in transforming public services.
  • Communication skills: I don’t wear fat ties or a silver suit. Instead, I know my subjects in depth and I speak eloquently about them because I never forget that I am speaking to an audience of my peers.
  • Genuine passion: I have lived and breathed change in public sector organisations for most of my career. What I do has never been more important for public services and the communities they serve.

I invite speaking engagements on:

  • Digital transformation: Putting technology to work across the public sector.
  • Commercialisation: How councils and other public sector bodies can reduce their deficits with commercial services and maintain an ethical operation.
  • Culture Change: How to leverage the richest seam of resources in any organisation – the latent talent of your team.
  • Customer Focus: In a world where Amazon has taught us to exceed customer expectations, how every organisation can refocus and restructure to meet the most demanding consumer needs.
  • Leadership: Transformation starts at the top. From living a set of values to treating management as a discipline in its own right, I help leaders discover new outperformance.

Speaking Topics

Local Authority Transformation

Councils must use technology, commercialism and resolute customer centricity to survive.

Digital Transformation

From cloud services to always-on self-serve systems, digital is the future for local services.


Councils are already commercial high-performers, with more resources than private firms. I will help you succeed.


Public sector excellence starts at the top. I help leaders outperform their resources and expectations.

Customer Focus

How to put the best of private sector customer experience insight to work in council and local authority contexts.

Culture Change

Unlock the latent talent you already have in your organisation - the most powerful driver of change in your armoury!

Featured Videos

Digital Transformation doesn't exist in isolation


Local government webinar aligning technology with strategy and people change

AWS London Transformation Day

Amazon Web Services

Technology leadership for the public sector

'From Surviving to Thriving'

NHS Elect

Andrew delivers AVDC’s ‘From Surviving to Thriving’ presentation to a new audience: NHS leaders.

Cloud services delivery


Advice for CIOs on cloud deployments to the public sector

Digital Inclusion

Tech UK

How the public sector can meet accessibility requirements in the digital age 

Digital Transformation

Hornbill Automation

AVDC’s Cloud Services story


In the Media

Keynote & Panels

Executive Coaching

Strategic Consulting




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